
Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants is unavailable, but you can change that!

The disciplines of biblical and systematic theology join forces to investigate anew the biblical covenants and the implications of such a study for understanding how God relates to his people. By incorporating the latest available research from the ancient Near East and examining implications of their work for Christology, ecclesiology, eschatology, and hermeneutics—biblical scholar Peter Gentry...

in full in the future.”49 But the present form of the new covenant does not exhaust the Abrahamic promises which still await their fulfilment in the future, when the specific national promises to Israel are finally realized.50 In regard to how progressives understand the kingdom and its relation to the covenants there is a lot of similarity, as we will note below, with covenant theology. For one thing, there is no major distinction between the terms “kingdom of heaven” and “kingdom of God.” Further,
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